Biathlon BC Cup #4
February 10 - 12, 2017Welcome Athletes, Coaches and Officials to the Omineca Ski Club where our motto is: Sharing the Magic of Cross Country Skiing…and Biathlon!
We are very proud to be hosting the BC Cup on the weekend of February 10 -12, 2017 so that we may show off all of the new improvements that our club members have worked hard to accomplish over the past two years.
Please watch this page for all the details on the weekend of competition. This is the official source for up to date information.
Results Pursuit posted 2017-02-12
Results Individual 2017-02-11:
Course Maps
Please note some course colours and all maps were amended February 6th.
There are seven courses set for this event. Please click on the specific course for a pdf map (ortho photo).
Pink – 0.5 km biathlon-course-map_pink_0-5km
Black – 1.0 km biathlon-course-map_black_1-0km
Orange – 1.5 km biathlon-course-map_orange_1-5km
Red – 2.0 km biathlon-course-map_red_2-0km
Green – 2.5 km biathlon-course-map_green_2-5km
Yellow – 3.0 km biathlon-course-map_yellow_3-0km
Brown – 4.0 km biathlon-course-map_brown_4-0km
Please note that the actual distances of the course may vary from the posted distance. The actual distance can be found on each individual map in the top left hand corner.
These two charts show which courses will be used for each age group within the competition and the order of each course the athlete must follow. Please click on the picture for an enlarged version. They may also be downloaded as a pdf by clicking here:

For all of you who don’t have to go to bed early we invite you our
Snow Moon Festival
Friday Night is full moon night – Bring your headlamps and join other skiers for a ski under the full moon (or maybe just the lit track…). The lodge will be open for hot chocolate until 10 pm
Event Invitation
The event invitation (pdf) can be downloaded here: osc-bc-cup-4-invitation-final-2017-01-02
The registration at Zone4 can be found by clicking on this link:
Zone4 registration ends midnight Monday February 6th
Competition Committee
Competition Chief: Terri Dickson
Assistant Chief of Competition: Darrell Wilson
Competition Secretary: Alison Patch
Chief of Range: Ian Hartley
Chief of Timing: Sonya Zurevinski
Chief of Course: Wes Bender
Chief of Stadium: Bryan Dickson
Volunteer Coordinator: Agathe Bernard
Technical Delegate: Paul Collard
Food Service:
Our concession will be open throughout the event on Saturday and Sunday. There will always be snacks, hot or cold drinks and fresh fruit available.
Breakfast will be served from 8-9:30 am on Saturday and from 7-8:30 am on Sunday. The package will include yogurt, a baked item (muffins etc) and juice. Fresh fruit will also be available. Price to be determined.
Lunch will be served from 11:30 to 1:30 both days. The package will include a bowl of soup or chili (a vegetarian selection will be available), a bun and a cookie. Price to be determined.
Thank you to all of our sponsors and to all of the hard work of volunteers that go into making these competitions so much fun…