Draw Winner: As thanks to our October workbee volunteers, we had a draw for a BC Punch Pass. Our winner was Esther Miller Grondalen! The second winner will be drawn at our open house.
Upcoming Open House and Ski Swap Event: Back by popular demand, we will be having an open house/ski swap event on November 30th at Woods N Water from 11 am – 2 pm. Come register in person here and check out the store’s selection of new ski equipment. Enjoy some beverages and snacks as well!
Ski swap: If you would like to participate in the ski swap, please drop off equipment at Woods N Water on Friday Nov 29; label the equipment with your name, phone number and price. If you want to participate in ski swap, we ask that 10% of the sales go back to the club.
Click here for poster for open house and ski swap
What is a BC Punch Pass anyway? It allows you to ski at different clubs around BC. For example, if you travel around BC frequently in winter for work or kids’ sports games, why not partake in some ski tourism at different clubs? Read some general information here: http://www.crosscountrybc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/BCPP-Aug2017.pdf
Reminder that registration is open for the 2019/2020 season: register yourself and family here: Zone4 Omineca Ski Club. (You can also sign up for the kids Skill Development Program (SDP) or BC Punch Pass etc at the same time!)
Heather, OSC