Registration for the 2019-2020 season is here! Sign up here to get your early bird rate before December 1.
Calendar: The 2019-2020 Omineca Ski Club calendar has now been updated. Check out future special events and races, both in Burns Lake and nearby communities.
Lodge Rentals: Did you know that we do lodge rentals? A great spot for a Christmas party – see our website to request with our online form.
October workbee: Thanks to all those who came out to the first workbee of the new ski season on Oct 5! It was all hands on deck with prepping firewood, rental skis (yes, we have rentals!) and cleaning up trails. Looking forward to moving on past wet weather and towards a new crispy white ski season!

Lucy and Molly snuck in to get some warm sunshine while their people prepped rental skis. They are looking forward to exploring dog trail this winter when the snow is not too deep for their short legs…
Heather Anchikoski, OSC Publicity and Marketing